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Daily—Berkeley Hats, Michelle Self-Rev

Very long day. I’d have to keep this post short before I pass out and slam my face on the keyboard.
Michelle just had her grad show today, it was a success. All her cohorts had also performed their pieces brilliantly.
It was courageous for each of them to display their vulnerability in front of complete strangers (though, supportive). Months of hard work has finally paid off,  and I’d like to congratulate each of them for achieving this milestone—High fives, Seth, Michelle, Rachel, Allison, and Dan.

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Saturday’s often another work day for me.
We got news that Photojojo has sold out of their last couple of shipments, and they want more. Hooray!
(Please keep the orders coming.) 121413-2

Today with Christine. 121413-3 121413-4 121413-5

Scotch heavy duty shipping taste is terrific. After years of shipping, I’ve learned to appreciate these everyday items. You’ve no idea how the quality of my work can be altered by a mere scroll of tape. 121413-6

Used tape. 121413-7

Used tape smiley. 121413-8

[aside]11:45AM [/aside]
Going to surprise Michelle tonight as “Big Bear”. 121413-15 121413-14

Which one’s better?
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Final rehearsal.
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No photograph allowed during the performance. Sorry.

4 hours later.

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Victory shake & dinner. 121413-39 121413-41

Fantasy. 121413-42

Reality. 121413-43

Too tired.

’til tomorrow,