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San Francisco Pride Parade for Taiwan 2019

Taiwan was the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. It didn’t come easy. The activists paved the way with sweat, tears, and oftentimes, well-designed flamboyant signs.

To celebrate the passing of the marriage equality bill in Taiwan, the Taiwanese in the Bay Area organized our very first march in the pride parade. While we weren’t the core team, we were very excited to be a part of this historic march.


The day started early. Traveling from East Bay, we had to gather at the meeting spot near Embarcadero before 9:30AM. We were already late.

The crew

A tad bit late, but we made it. Love above all else. My parents were more ecstatic than us to be a part of pride. For a brief moment, the city was covered in six colors. And half naked people.


Our time to shine. 300+ strong with fellow Taiwanese and lovers of Taiwan. From Embarcadero to Civic center, it was a 1.3 miles march with close to 1 million spectators on the sideline. This was probably as close as it gets to feeling like the Warriors during their championship parade. We just forgot the champaign. Fact: the rainbow flag was designed in San Francisco in 1978 by Gilbert Baker as a challenge by Harvey Milk. The rainbow symbolizes diversity. People love babies. Zoltan’s fancy rainbow pant was from Primary. This guy didn’t come here to play. Full frontal. Of our group. The most fabulous:


Near the end. Our friendly neighborhood Spidey came to pay respect. Half nude + 6 packs + pride = screams all around.


Thanks for the good time.